
最近抽空做游戏《星际传奇》的字幕翻译,学到了一些生词和俚语,觉得非常有趣就记录下来了。 感兴趣的朋友可以点击阅读原文跳转至我的bilibili主页观看。

odds noun

可能性;概率 the probability that a particular thing will or will not happen

That minefield’s offering better odds than you’re gonna get takin’ me to Butcher Bay.

have a short memory

健忘;记性不好 to forget things quickly

You think Hoxie’s memory is that short?

bank verb

赢得一定数额的钱 to win or earn a particular amount of money

I bank your bounty plus fifteen.

buckle up

系紧安全带 to fasten the belt that keeps you in your seat in a car or a plane

vent noun

通风口 a small opening that allows air, smoke, or gas to enter or leave a  closed space

rise and shine

快起床 said to tell someone to wake up and get out of bed

sign sth over

签字交接 to give the legal rights to own or do something to someone else by formally signing a document

get under sb.’s skin

激怒某人 to annoy someone

push itpush your luck

得寸进尺 to try too hard to get a particular result and risk losing what you have achieved

We can come to a number, but don’t push it.

deal or no (deal)


Extra or no, Riddick stays at Butcher bay.

在语境里,佣兵向典狱长索要Riddick的赏金外加50元,讨价还价也一直围绕这50元,所以最终典狱长将deal or no变形为extra or no。整句意为:成或不成,Riddick都必须待在屠夫湾。

period noun

(用于话语结尾,表示某一话题已讨论完毕,不愿再继续)到此为止 said at the end of a statement to show that you believe you have said all there is to say on a subject and you are not going to discuss it anymore

check verb

阻碍 to stop someone from doing or saying something, or to prevent something from increasing or continuing

So check those desires right now, because you will not get out.

contraband noun

违禁品 goods that are brought into or taken out of the country secretly and illegally

Don’t ask what’s contraband. I define it day by day.

have (one) by the balls

捏着某人的蛋蛋(睾丸),表示完全控制住某人 to have complete control or dominance over one

Don’t worry. I got Rust by the balls.

think one’s shit don’t stink

(冒犯性言语)觉得某人的屎不臭,表示某人非常自大 to assume an air of arrogance, condescension, or superiority over others.

delouse verb

给人或动物除虱 to remove lice from the body, hair , or clothing of a person or the fur of an animal

merc = mercenary noun

雇佣兵 a soldier who fights for any country or group that pays them

slam = slammer noun

监狱 prison

get hold of sb

抓住/控制某人 to gain total control, influence, or power over one

pass out

昏迷 to become unconscious for a short time

infirmary noun

医务室 a room in a school, college, or university where students who are injured or feeling ill can go to a nurse ofr treatment

run the show

掌控某物 to have automnomy or authority over something; to be in control of something

rock the boat

惹麻烦 to do or say something that might endanger a stable situation or upset the status quo

Best not to rock the boat, or you’re gonna get sunk.

the devil is in the detail(s)

细节决定成败 plans, actions, or situations that seem sound must be carefully examined, because minor details can end up causing major, unforeseen problems

That’s where the devil lives - in the details.

pull the strings

秘密控制某人或某组织 to have the real control over a person or organization, especially in secret or without it being public knowledge

Rust pulls all the strings in this block.

thorn in (one’s) side

心头刺,持续的威胁 a constant or persistent cause of annoyance, frustration, or trouble

Rust is a thorn in my side.

tighten the screws

向某人施压 to put more pressure on someone or something to do something

He’ll turn when I tighten the screws.

goon noun

打手,暴徒 a hooligan; a thug or bodyguard

big dog

重要人物 a slang term for an important person

I thought you were the big dog, Rust.

crumbs from (one’s) table

从富人那里得到的细微好处 an insufficient or unfair amount of something provided by one when one has a sufficient or abundant amount

But everyone knew they feed on the crumbs that fell from Abbott’s table.


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